Walmart Complaint

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 by Rachel

The greeters at our store have recently begun holding charity donation bins. Though I have often turned to the greeter for assistance when returning an item or waited for the greeter to highlight my receipt as I exit the store, I feel like this donation bin is an intrusion. When I’ve made my purchases, have my wallet zipped away in my purse, and am trying to get home as quickly as possible to unload my groceries, I am FORCED to stop at the greeter who will highlight my receipt and then I am FORCED to feel guilty when I refuse to put money in the donation bin. I cannot walk around the greeter without being accused of shoplifting or some other suspicious activity.


It is one thing for charity organizations to put out tables in front of the store, when I can choose to avoid it or donate. But by using the greeter as a donation-scavenging tool, it is putting customers in an uncomfortable position because they cannot CHOOSE.

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