Food for poor people?

Sunday, August 16th, 2009 by Rachel

Derrick says that my blog has basically turned into one where I write recipes for poor people. But seriously, think about my life as a grad student. What do I do all day? I sleep, I write, I teach, I go to class, I watch movies, and I grade papers. Am I capable of doing any or all of these things if I’m hungry? Absolutely not!


So that was my rationale for making trailmix. School starts tomorrow, and I want to have a healthy ready snack on hand to put in a ziplock baggie and take over to campus. I know that there are premade bags available, but this seems overpriced and sometimes not catered to my flavor tastes. Making it in bulk and putting it in proper tupperware container should be much more cost effective in the long run


Here’s what I decided belonged in trailmix. What am I missing? I appreciate your help for the next batch.


Trailmix ala RayRay:
almonds, cashews, goldfish, sunflower seeds, peanut butter m&ms and pineapple



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